Hey guys!
sorry it's been so long since I posted last! ...Not like anyone reads this. But I am ALMOST done with my CBYX application. I don't want to jinx anything by saying this, but I think I'm a really good match for the program... I won't say anything else, because I'm almost sure I just jinxed it..... god im such a jinx

HAHAHA. get it? jinx?? pokemon!? god, i crack myself up.
i love pokemon. they're all so cute. especially the pre-togepi pokemon. not to say togepi isnt cute, i mean, look at those cute feet!
my brother won't let me play the games anymore... he says i'll "ruin his file" even though he's already beat them, and it's not like he's going to play them again. gosh!
if i get into this cbyx thing, my top three cities to be placed in are
1. Köln (Cologne)

2. Dresden

god, i want to get in so bad. i cannot even express how badly i want this.
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