Hey guys--
recently i've gotten SO much help from SO many people with CBYX
there have been some blogs i've been stalking such as:
If you are interested in applying for CBYX (congress-bundestag youth exchange) or want to find out more info about it, i reccommend you go to their website, and follow it to your region's website
cbyx national website:
i know i've said this a thousand times, but this is a WONDERFUL opportunity, and i really feel like you should apply. you have like a 1/4 chance. because i have never been on this trip, im not a very good resource. but i recommend visiting
for any information about ANY exchange program to ANYWHERE ever.... its wunderbar!
also, there's always the good, old facebook stalk approach. search "CBYX 2008-2009" for a group, join, then message someone in the group. its weird, but it works. AUSGEZEICHNET! JA!
also check out http://www.youtube.com/wascas15
he is currently on the CBYX and is VLogging about it, ch-ch-check it out!
I really have not blogged as often as i have meant to. but i do some VLogging... my youtube account is... http://www.youtube.com/tenderxtor
yaaa! FTW!
stay classy,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
CBYX-- for the thousandth time
Posted by Victoria at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: cbyx
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Long time, no post, eh?
Hey guys!

2. Dresden

Posted by Victoria at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: cbyx, cologne, dresden, exchange program, germany, jinx, pokemon, stuttgart
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sierra Nevada- uhm... well... theyre mountains. for hiking, camping, whatevs.
Posted by Victoria at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
German Exchange Program
So, I'm really into foreign languages, but I've only had time to take one language at school-- German. I absolutely love it though. I love their architechture (they have castles everywhere.... and electricity!), their culture, their language, and, not to be nationalist, but their guys are typically attractive. At least more attractive than boys here... but that's not saying too much. I mean guys here can be attractive, but then they'll either be jerks or really stupid. Or worse they'll be really attractive, really smart, and then really mean. Ugh, figures.
But anyways, I'm applying to go to Germany for a year (my junior year). I desperately want to get in, and I know it will be difficult. But it means so much. I would come back to America perfectly fluent... and with a KILLER college essay. But if I don't get into the year long one, there's one in the summer that I will probably go to. It won't make me fluent, but at least I'll get to go, right?
anyways, stay classy
Posted by Victoria at 7:55 PM 0 comments
What is a blog?
What is a blog? Well, I think it was best put by my cousin Anna, who lives in Alabama. She told me when I was about seven or six years old that a blog was "a place where you write about your life, and people pretend to care." I don't know exactly how I can remember such a fact when I was so young and blogs were just on the uprise, but I did. I believe that this is a sign of my true intellictual capability and superiority (i was just kidding.... really).
What this blog will end up being used for is probably just like a diary, or a grouping of lists put together than none other than myself. I would indeed like to use this blog for more intellectual purposes, but I do have limits, and no one really wants to listen to me ramble about the faults of the Articles of Confederation or the anatomy of a porcupine.
Anyways, if ever you have something to say about one of my posts, just drop a comment, and I'll read it. Unless you're mean. Then I won't.
Posted by Victoria at 2:56 PM 1 comments